I know it has been a while, and I am about 2 weeks late but...
I have been reading so many blogs lately, (I think I have an addiction) and everyone is talking about the dreaded New Years Resolutions.....
I usually don't make any b/c I feel that they are destined to FAIL!
but I decided to make just a couple.
So, I will share them with all my blog/youtube friends,
hoping that this will help me stay accountable!
I am the worst with this. I will try to put off anything if I can, and it
really puts me in a deep rutt. So that is #1
I love this website.... basically for those who are unfamiliar, you make a pledge for 2/4/or 6 months that you will not buy any NEW clothes. You will Reuse/Recycle/Reduce by refashioning old clothes that you have or have bought second hand from the thrift shop/yard sale/estate sale/etc. OR you can just make your own clothes from scratch.
You are allowed to buy socks/shoes/underwear/bras/etc. brand new during this time AND supplies or material to make new stuff. The whole idea is to reduce our waste....
I am really excited about this. I have been lurking on this site for a few months now and there are some really talented people on there. I have gotten so many ideas, I cant wait to get started.
I have taken the 2 month pledge, just to get my feet wet and see how it goes. I don't really have much of a choice right now anyways, Im BROKE!
This is a refashioned sweatshirt.... I think it is really cute!
So, I will keep posting to let you know about the stuff I make/re-fashion.
BTW, I tried to give only handmade gifts for Christmas this year, and it went really good. Unfortunately, I forgot to take the "after" pics b4 I gave them away. I really wanted to show them off... I will see what I can do to get some pics of the stuff "in use"
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season... and I hope to post about some really cool Valentines Day gifts very soon!
Stay Beautiful - Beauty Queens