Friday, November 13, 2009

27 Days of Thanks... Days 8-14

I have gotten really behind on these posts, so in an attempt to catch up here are Days 8 - 13.

Don't forget to check out, for more Thankfulness.

Day 8:

I love finding a great sale so I was immediately drawn to this awesome, one day only SALE!

Day 9:

One of my all time favorite inventions, indoor plumbing. I guess I have a different idea of "indoor" plumbing, than this guy! But still much better than an outhouse.

Day 10:

Cup holders are the best, and having a built in cup holder, even better! This probably also helps keep you cool on those hot summer days.

Day 11:

My furry friends. I have 2 guinea pigs, Nina Simone and Coco Chanel, that I love to death. Literally, I had to give Nina mouth-to-mouth when she had a "bathing" accident. So, we have a very close bond.

Day 12:

Art, I love art and public art that you can enjoy for free is great.
There is just something about a great piece of art that is so thought provoking.

Day 13:

Thank God It Is Friday, even if it is Friday the 13th and this is my 13th day of thanks. I mean, who doesn't love the weekend? I guess, unless you still have to go to work. : (

I added Day 14, so that I would be all caught up through tomorrow as well.

Day 14:

The internet, I spend most of my free time on the internet. I don't think this needs much explaination, but you can do so much here. Like watch practically any tv show you may have missed b/c you were trying to write a post for your blog or watching some addicting youtube videos, or looking at some really funny pics on some girls crazy blog. And don't forget how many great friends/family members you can keep in contact with all over the world.

I hope you all enjoyed these funny pictures, all in good fun!

Stay Beautiful - Beauty Queens

1 comment:

  1. OMG! Those are too bad!!! I can't believe the "boob cooler." Hahahaha
